Resolutions Collected for Conventions

Here are some resolutions that I have collected to help you with your precinct/senate district conventions. Some issues might have more than one resolution. Read them and then choose the best one. You will need to change or add your SD or county and your precinct number at the bottom of each. You will need 4 copies of each when you submit them.

Texas Eagle Forum Resolutions
Preserving the existing platform on transportation and toll roads
What’s in your current party platform?

Opposing the Imposition of Climate or Social Justice Policies that Restrict Transportation
Opposing the federal mileage tax

Resolution in Support of a Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Resolution in Support of a “No-Growth” Budget
Resolution in Support of Eliminating the Property Tax
Republican Party Conflict of Interest
Texas Border Security
One Texas Electric Grid
Resolution to Hold Abortionists Accountable
Resolution to Make Repealing the Anti-Life 10-Day Rule a Legislative Priority
Resolution to Build a Pro-Life Texas After Roe
Resolution Calling for Ban on Mandatory COVID Vaccination(s)
Ban on Mandatory COVID Vaccination(s) & Face Masks
Resolution Calling for the Bringing of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 in Compliance with the Texas Constitution
Resolution to Amend the Texas Constitution to allow the Legislature to call for a Special Legislative Session

Resolution to allow the Senate District to be included in the selection
of the SREC member to fill a mid-term vacancy

Require Public Education on the Humanity of the Preborn Child

Resolution to Repeal Kinsey Based Laws
Resolution Opposing Gambling in Texas
Resolution Opposing President Biden’s “American the Beautiful” known as 30 x 30 Program
Resolution for Parents’ Right to Know and Consent
Resolution Calling for Honest Elections
Border Security Resolution
Election Integrity Resolution
Electro-Magnetic Pulse Protection Resolution
Patients Freedom in Healthcare Resolution
Patient’s Bill of Rights Resolution
Senator Halls Election Integrity Resolution  (Recommended)
Resolution in support of Mandatory E-Verify
Troy Jacksons Closed Primaries in Texas Resolution (BEST)  (Recommended)